ANKUR, Vol VI was released on 8th May 2014 in Deorali Rangamanch by Messers. Prem Chhetri, President of the Managing Committee, Sumongal Paul, Retired teacher, and P.C.Rai, Head of the Institution.
A literary talent competition was also held on extempore speech and self composed Nepali poem. Ankur is distributed to all the present students. Students who appeared in the HS examination and Madhyamik Pariksha this year will also receive when they will visit the school to receive their result and other certificates. Those ex students who have sent their email address will also receive PDF format of the magazine through email.
Volume I Chief Editor: Mr. Swapan Chatterjee
Volume II Chief Editor: Mr. Swapan Chatterjee
Volume III 1984-85 (Editors,Mr. P.P.Sharma, Mr. AK Rai, Mr. AK Biswas and Mrs.Mandira Sarkar)
Volume V 2002-03 (Editor-in-Chief: Mr. A.K.Rai)
Volume VI 2013-14 (Editor-in-Chief: Mr. A.K.Rai)
Those willing to receive the PDF format of ANKUR Volume VI may download it by clicking the following five links: